
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Here we share some tips on how to model and support healthy routines and habits for children.

September is National Food Safety Education Month
Safe Food Practices: What you Need to Know

Farmers Markets: Bringing the Farm to Table
Farmers markets are becoming more available and popular in neighborhoods across the country and are a great way to support local vendors in your community.

Heart Healthy Eating-Mediterranean Style
Making nutritious food choices such as the Mediterranean-style eating pattern and working in physical activity throughout the day are two excellent ways to help keep your heart beating strong.

Making the Healthy Choice, the Easy Choice When Traveling
If you are like many folks planning to travel this summer, it is important to plan ahead for the possible unknowns…

Every Kid Healthy Week
Each day of the week shines a spotlight on the great actions schools and families are taking to improve the health and wellness of their kids and the link between nutrition, physical activity, mental health and learning…

Make May a Month of Movement
May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month! Are you moving as much as you should be?

20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are a great way to add vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber to your diet!

Stroke Awareness and Prevention
According to the CDC, stroke is a leading cause of death in the United States

Diet Guidelines for High Blood Pressure
What is the best dietary approach to combat a hypertension diagnosis? That’s easy! The DASH Diet was created for this very reason…

High Blood Pressure Awareness
Regularly monitoring your blood pressure can help lower your risk for heart disease and stroke.