Importance of Nourishing Your Body When You Are Anxious

Anxiety disorders, much like depression, do not have one exact cause. Instead, anxiety may develop from a complex set of risk factors including genetics, chemical imbalances, dysregulation of neurotransmitters, environmental stressors, medical issues, and life events, to name a few.

There are several types of anxiety disorders which can range from phobias, to obsessive-compulsive disorder, to panic attacks, and PTSD. While each type is very different, they all have similar physical symptoms. Some of those symptoms are increased heart rate, sweating, restlessness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, numb or tingling hands or feet, nausea or diarrhea, and dizziness.

Depending on severity, you may need to seek professional help, such as talking with a therapist or trying medication, but there are also many things that you can do on your own. Things such as attending support groups, lowering your stress level, utilizing deep breathing, practicing meditation, laughing, exercising, getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet can all help lower anxiety.

Studies have also shown that getting the proper amounts of amino acids, vitamins B12, C, and D, and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and iron, may all help decrease symptoms of anxiety. During these challenging times, when anxiety is running higher than usual, adding in some of the best food sources of these nutrients may be beneficial.

While some people experience symptoms such as deceased appetite during feelings of anxiety, it is still important to include nutrient rich meals and snacks to help take care of yourself and your energy needs.

To get the most out of your meals we have provided a few ideas. A canned tuna, salmon or chicken sandwich on whole-wheat, or enriched white bread, with a serving of almonds, walnuts or cashews would be a good source of zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamin D and B12. If you don’t like tuna, another option could be a peanut butter sandwich with raisins, apricots, a hardboiled egg, or yogurt on the side.

Vitamin C is found in most red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables as well as a few outliers such as broccoli, green peppers and baked potatoes.

To help yourself during feelings of anxiety, it is important to take care not only of your mental health but also your physical health by nourishing yourself with a well-balanced diet.




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